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major airline中文是什么意思

用"major airline"造句"major airline"怎么读"major airline" in a sentence


  • 干线航空公司


  • Business areas : domestic and international marketing major airlines special offer , discount tickets
  • " forget flying to see grandma on january 1 , 2000 , " warns whitehouse . " two major airlines have already said they won ' t be flying .
    怀特豪斯警告说: “不要想着在2000年1月1日乘飞机去看望祖母了。两家主要的航空公司已经宣布到时他们将停飞。 ”
  • Strategically placed public service announcements in cost - effective venues such as movie theaters and on major airlines during in - flight programming internationally
  • It is on this strength and solid business partnerships with major airlines sophisticated , you can secure the most favourable prices and tensions seats
  • Noreen ( second from the left ) is a 52 - year - old divorced mother of two college kids . she ' s an avid swimmer and works in the operations department of a major airline
  • The capital of guangdong province was the last venue of the competition series the major airline jointly organized with local tv stations in the past six months
  • The first aircraft institute of avic . with products supplying major airlines around the country , it is highly appraised by the customers and established good image and reputation
  • With a winning combination of financial acumen , old - fashioned common sense and devout religious faith , neeleman has propelled jetblue into the ranks of the nation ' s major airlines
  • When i played with a symphony orchestra , our union reached an agreement with a major airline about which instruments we could carry on board , and which had to be shipped as luggage
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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